Frequently Asked Questions

Is outsourcing right for me?

Do you feel time crunched to fulfill both the financial obligations of your business as well as the managerial task of meeting strategic goals? Do you suffer from office employee turnover and excessive training costs? Do you have a need for accurate, timely and relevant financial information? If you’ve said yes to any of these questions or feel that your current bookkeeping is insufficient, then yes, your business can benefit from outsourcing.

Outsourcing can also save you money with no payroll taxes, no workers comp, no paid leave, no training time, no space or equipment to supply, etc... You may be surprised at the cost savings involved when outsourcing your bookkeeping needs vs. hiring an employee.

Will I lose control of my financial decision making?

No, our services help guide you and provide you with the financial information on your business so you can make well informed, sound business decisions.

What does onboarding look like?

Onboarding is tailored to each company’s individual needs. But most clients follow this path:

  1. No Cost Consultation

  2. “Clean up” of Existing Books

  3. Accountant Review

  4. Determine Ongoing Schedule

  5. Establish Ongoing Bookkeeping

How much are your services?

Similar to onboarding, pricing is tailored to each company’s individual needs. After the first couple months of working together—once things are set up and cleaned up—we will agree on a fixed monthly rate so you know how much you’ll pay each month. Let’s talk today about what you’re looking for and how we can help.